Working for the Kulturbund 1937/8 Working for the Kulturbund 1937/8 Source : The Central Archive for the History of the Jewish People, Jerusalem. D/Ba 17/379 and 17/380. Document 1: Letter from Lotte Levy-Baer, Wiesbaden, to Dr. Morgenroth of the Kulturbund in Bamberg . C/O Berger, 82 Lahn St. Wiesbaden. 5 October 1937 Dear Sir, I want to let you know that I will be giving lectures in Augsburg, Nuremberg, Fuerth and Munich in late November and early December, and would be very grateful if a lecture in your town could be arranged at the end of the tour. I have numerous recommendations from many places: Leipzig, Hannover, Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Mainz, Krefeld, Cologne, Dortmund, Elbereld, Witten, etc. My program includes the following subjects, and with the exception of no. 4, all include a serious and an entertaining part: 1. Contemporary Poets. 2. Modern Jewish Women's Poetry. 3. Childhood Memories. 4. Migration and Change 5. A lecture for Youngsters. My demands are very modest: 20 Marks and travel expenses, which are small because I will be on tour anyway. I usually give the lecture to the youth in the morning or the afternoon at the Jewish schools, where I also give the evening lectures. I would be very grateful if you could enable me to appear for you this year. I will be in the Rheinland and Westfalia for my annual lecture tour from 14 October to 25 October; on 1 November in Dortmund and the area; at the end of the month I will be in your region. The many recommendations for my work are at your disposal. I would be very grateful if you could let me know soon. I am also very dependent on this, because I have only these lectures to make a living for me and for my son. Sincerely, Lotte Levy-Baer. Document 2: Proposed Topics for Lectures for Adults and Youngsters Lotte Levy-Baer, Wiesbaden, 82 Lehn St. Tel. 28815 Member of the Reich Association of the Jewish Cultural League in Germany. Program for Youngsters - younger and older children. Hannukah talk for younger children: Fairy Tales For older children: Stories….riddles, fun math problems. Authorised in Berlin, reference S.J. 747/22.9.37/21. For adults: first proposed topic - Contemporary Poets. [List of poems] second proposed topic - Childhood Memories Introduction Childhood memories of Albert Schweitzer Childhood in Exile by Lewin … third proposed topic—Migration and Change [list of poems] The lectures are authorised by Berlin, reference:…. Document 3: Letter of Lotte Levy-Baer to Dr. Morgenroth. Wiesbaden, 24 October 1938 Dear Sir, I hope you still remember me, and would like to propose my lecture "A Time Of Relaxation" for the coming year. I hope you will be interested in this. Perhaps there will also be the occasion to do another Children's hour. After all, the one we had last year was so well received. As my demands are very modest, I would be very grateful for a positive answer. Should the Loebl family of Hain Street still be there, give them my warmest regards. Their hospitality last year was exceptional. I send you my best, Yours, Lotte Levy-Baer. Document 4: Letter of the Bamberg Community to Lotte Levy-Baer. 9 November 1938 [!] Dear Mrs. Levi-Baer We have received your card of 24 October 1938. At the moment we are unable to give you a positive answer. We hope we will be able to arrange something for the winter, perhaps in January or February, but as already mentioned we cannot make any commitment at the moment. Sincerely, The Jewish Community, Bamberg.